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Monday, December 06, 2004

These mags work !!!

Just when I'd begun to despair of the industry, on the back of the latest round of "I'm tallest dwarf" discussions (of which more anon), along comes a company from Norway that has blown my socks off !!

Magwerks is the brainchild of Joakim Nilsen, a Norwegian, whose aforementioned company is producing three glorious digital products.

Music magazine, PlayMusic, Encore, for designers and a games magazine Probe are all produced on a platform designed by the company themselves.

Our regular reader will know that I'm not a massive fans of the "read once" type of approach favoured by Texterity and Olive, but these magazines are absolutely fabulous.

Scroll over the graphics and pictures expand ; click on the corners and the pages move.

Fabulous, ground breaking stuff.

Normal service resumed tomorrow.

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